Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Are Requirements of Possessing & Using the MCSE Exam Vouchers?

testing, which are VUE and Prometric. Vouchers can also be used in advertising actions as a prize. The other option is to get such vouchers before the increase of the exams prices.

The VUE centres of testing offer services on the organization of exams to the sponsor companies, such as Cisco, Ericsson and others. System VUE supports the control centre of data including a database of candidates and examination questions. Within 3-5 minutes after the order of exam, the individual set of questions for the given order is sent on the Internet in the authorized centre of testing. After passing the testing, results of the examination are sent back to the control centre of data VUE, and from there - to the sponsor company.

The company Prometric is a world famous developer and provider of computer tests on products of leading world manufacturers of the software: Microsoft, Oracle and many others. Prometric puts forward worldwide a uniform extensive list of requirements to the opened centres of testing. Some of them are spacious and well-shined classes, special computer equipment, certificated personnel, and strict control for those who pass the exams.

As a rule, any interested person can be registered on exam of the sponsor company, having paid its cost. It is possible to pay for the examination in cash, or showing gotten in advance MCSE exam voucher. The voucher allows you to pass the exam or to receive a discount in any centre of testing VUE or Prometric.

Those who already decide to use CCNA exam vouchers should know some of the requirements about these vouchers. The Voucher for the CCNA exam is ordered from the system of testing Prometric or from the system of testing VUE. Changing of the system of testing is impossible. The voucher can be used in the EMEA region

Cisco and the partners of the company, which are carrying out testing, do not guarantee authenticity of any discounts or codes of advertising actions (like vouchers), received from foreign persons or the organizations. So be careful and follow the advice of Cisco to get vouchers for passing the examinations directly in the centres of testing VUE and Prometric. As a sanction for using of not authorized discounts or advertising codes, the results of the exam can be recognized null and void. Besides, Cisco can eliminate such candidate for life from passing of any further exam and the certificates received earlier can be cancelled. Cisco will not make a replacement of the voucher, when it is recognized as counterfeit or used

But our number of productive hours is much lower than the actual hours we work. So to get a better picture of the real value of your time, estimate your number of productive hours – for most people it's less than three a day.

Once you know your hourly value, you should ask yourself if what you are doing is worth your hourly rate. Outsourcing activities is now so easy that you can often pay someone else significantly less to carry out tasks.

2. Clone yourself (or your work) - While it's not yet possible to clone yourself, you can easily clone your own work without any ethical issues. When you've written something, leverage it for maximum benefit. With a little additional work, a presentation script easily becomes a magazine article or a sales letter, for example.

3. Spend more time on output than input - Are you spending too much of your time reading emails and learning new things? When you're inputting information, you're not outputting. And it's only output (like working for clients and developing products) that makes money. New knowledge and different ideas are valuable but sometimes us info junkies need to go on an info diet!

4. Decide what work you are willing to leave undone - No matter how efficient you are, you can't do everything you'd like to. If you're busy, one of the most useful things you can do is to transfer some unnecessary tasks from your "to-do" list onto a "not-to-do" list – then quickly forget about them.

5. Manage your day with time limits - When I stopped reacting to that flashing notice of every new email arriving, I set aside specific times each day for reading emails. I now limit the time for doing that and scan them quickly using a "one-touch" approach where I immediately act on the email or delete it.

Another technique that works well is to use a timer to help you focus on work for fixed periods. Some people work well in short bursts completing specific 15-minute tasks before moving on to the next one. For other people – and other tasks – longer time limits of 45 or 60 minutes work better. But you need to be disciplined and stick to the limits.

6. Focus on your priorities - Decide which one, two or three big tasks you need to complete today or this week. Then concentrate on them before doing anything else.

7. Develop systems and processes - If you have your work organized into clear processes, you can more easily manage your time. While it makes tasks much easier to delegate, it's also a better way of using your own time more efficiently.

The more you control your time, the more profitable your business will be.

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MCSE Training

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